Monday, May 20, 2024 | Journalism Without Fear or Favour

Today's Literature

Tue Apr 23, 2024 08:14 PM | Last update on: Mon May 20, 2024 05:57 AM

Today's Literature



In the softness of the heart, in the delicacy of each soul,

Reside the wonders of existence, which adorn the universe with its calmness.

In every look, in every movement, a charm unfolds,

In the slightest subtleties, love and beauty expanding and shining.


The lightness of essence, the tenderness that reaches us,

It's the magic that brings us together and leads us dancing.

In the fragility of feelings, in the intensity of living,

We find the pure essence of simply being and blooming.


May this day be blessed and serene,

filled with affection, clarity and wholeness amen

May tenderness and sweetness be a beacon on our path,

May harmony and peace be the course of our destination.


I love everyone intensely, with a full and sincere heart,

For together we sing a melody of vividness.

May the beauty of life inspire us every moment,

And may the gentleness of heart be our constant warmth.


Optcha, may life smile on us with the sweetness and charm of poetry,

And may the joy surround us like a magical day.

Let love be our compass, our constant light,

And may the sensitivity of each being lead us to peace, virtue, without refusal.


May our hearts overflow with smiles and bonds being made.

I love you with deep sincerity and tenderness!

...Aura Barbosa, International Editor, Brazil 




It happens in minutes

A rage of storm

Striking down norms

Carrying with it 

Splinters of happiness

Fragments of craftiness

Pebbles of envy and lust 

Rocks of grief and death

In every breath

Tornado like

It spins out of control

Decapitating a whorl 

Of salacious gossip galore

In that vortex of feelings

She stands unwavering, supreme.

.... Pritha Lahiri, India 






To sigh or smile

Here you need a credit card dear! 

Concealed in a capsule

emotions die a slow death. 

Nothing is as it used to be dear! 

Remains of what all we felt beautiful

are locked in a safe vault. 

Innocence  and simplicity have been removed from the dictionary of human life! 

How vain our true feelings! 

We escape exposures

with so much skill! 

Untravelled are the paths, once we tread with pride. 

Break promises with very much ease. 

Our own mirror lies profusely. 

Islands of euphoria, 

have been vanished from sight. 

We are unseen and unavailable, 

to the eyes that tries to explore us! 

Weird changeovers, 

happening so fast, 

we are no more our true self of decades past! 

.... Saroja Krishnamurthy, India 






Holding a cuppa in my hand, 

I thought of the days that had passed beyond.. 


The aroma of the frothy-dark liquid, 

Reminds me of the past Early-Spring

The casket of sweet memories, laid opened before me in full swing... 


Those Forsythias, daisies and white violas

Bloomed and brought the sweet fragrance

When you had come stealthily, held me from behind

With bouquet in your hand, 

Oh! That gesture so benign and kind! 

Sipping coffee together was so much fun

Watching daffodils dancing in bright sunshine.. 


Though it was the time so less, when we had met

Oh, our mingled breaths and fresh smell of that scent, have made those moments an event! 


That unforgettable, unforsaken Time "Divine"

Would remain forever in our mind

The Feelings I have nourished since long

Crawl still here in my heart like a song.. 


It was November- noon, 

You n me together:  a dream came true like a boon

Sipping the last drop from my coffee mug

Reminds me today of you when you gave me a tight hug! 


Would we ever meet again? 

This is what goes on in my brain.. 

Since we still hold the memories alive

Surely we ll share a cup of coffee, with a smile!

...Seema Sharma, India 



Children on the Spectrum



It's your reward, Janssen!

At long last, you got 

what you are praying for!

Did you see the power of prayers?!!!


Miracles do happen!

With focus, determination and diligence!

Now, you are on the list of honors!

Congratulations, baby!


We are so proud of you!

Continue to shine!

Share your radiance!

Be the epitome of inspiration!


Special kids have intelligence!

Unique talents and special skills!

Be a keen observer and discover!

Parents have key roles; please remember!


Let's support children with autism!

Love and compassion in your home!

Acceptance by society is the key.

Embrace them in mainstream schools.


Teachers, classmates, playmates and parents!

They have major roles in society!

Let us unite and share our support, love and understanding.

Children on the spectrum can freely have a normal life.

... Annalyn G Mercado,Philippines 






Where do I store mine brimming love ?

Dew drops of my love 

Keeps penetrating through 

The intensive emotions 

Boundless are the elevations 

Of my love 

Like empyrean curve scattered with stars 

Rising and falling 

Are the ebbs of my heart 

Singing the notes of my love so true 

My heart is full of gala tales 

Amidst millions of enduring trails 

Mine endless love keeps dripping 

Unfurling the truth it holds 

Defining my love 

Are the few metaphors 

Not prose nor poetry 

Can compose my love 

As my love is a treasure 

Within the box full of pleasures

My love resonates 

With every breath so warm 

Can you not hold 

Mine love so divine !

... Pamie Sandhu, India 



Spring has sprung



Spring has arrived again.

What does she carry with her?

Hope, happiness and laughter,

Love, health and comfort?

So that the joy of life may come again

And the inspiration hit!

And delight in the beauty,

Natures are cool and alive.

And the chirping of birds, the blooming of faces.

The green grass is all around

And the leaves are turning green.

Almonds and apple trees in bloom

Bringing us this beauty.

So that you can notice it in no way,

We have been given this beauty

The shining of stars and clouds!

As the red sun rises,

It gives us warmth and joy.

And the soul is renewed,

Getting inspired take your time!

... Rimis Brits, Israel 



Dervish and the innocent beautiful


 I saw beauty in a blink,

When the dervish becomes the road,

I saw the sadness in your smiling face,

Longing for a love.

He was saying it side by side..

My lucky star is out again.

Zuleikha alone in this world,

I'm being tried in his oppression.

I'm sorry without you hey,

There is no difference between day and night.

Oh unfair west, east

Wandering around without you.

The light of my eyes is gone,

Oppression has fallen and captured

Hijran has called me a victim

In the shadow of your absence.

~ It burned my heart, I couldn't stand it,

I didn't walk in the garden of love,

It was a nightingale, I didn't say.

There's a ningal in the conversation.

~ Don't act, you who is blind,

He who hears you will be found,

Be patient, wait, trust the meaning

There is, in the wisdom of my wor

... Elmaya Cabbarova, Azerbaijan 



Empty years


Life is vanishing day by day

With few tasks to be covered

Of craving for success And achievement; 

But the beauty of ife Lies in humanitarian Endeavor 

With struggling embodiment. 

Body made of bones and muscles Looks for life; 

But life is a beautiful lie Made of hidden past.

 Unreal phantoms of distress Moves with body 

Life is a treasure house 

Full.of worries. 

Youth period is full of passions 

While old age of emptiness Surrender lord to path of salvation 

Seems to be wiser dictum of This age.

... sulagna kar, India 



Journey Through Mists



In the realm of belief, where certainty takes flight,

A dance with vagary, in shadows of the night.


Whispers of faith, a melody so sweet,

Through the veils of uncertainty, hearts may meet.


A tapestry of dreams woven with threads unseen,

In the vast expanse of doubt, hope reigns supreme.


Amidst the ambiguity, courage takes its stand,

Belief, a guiding light, holding destiny's hand.


Through the mists of the unknown, a journey unfolds,

In the dance of belief and vagary, stories are told.

...  Saeeda Akhtar, Pakistan 






What does it mean to be a woman?

It's been since conception.

It is the highest work of God.

It is the pearl that adorns the hearts.

She's a dreamer who wants to fly conquering all obstacles.

Is the optimistic and witty star.

It's the charm of intelligence that makes it the art of being targeted by opposing beings.

It is the beautiful flower that proclaims the great love and greatness of wanting to be a mother.

To be a woman is then, the genius, the angel who defies all her fears to sublimate her ideals.

Being a woman is:

Is to be strong ,


make sense,

weak and generous.

It is the wonderful substance that awakens the real cry of great physical, spirit and soul beauty.

So being a woman means to love, forgive.

It's to be a friend,

the passion ,

the most important powerful goddess in this world of god.

It is to be the charms of seduction and to live several times every day the real beauty of being a woman.

...Rita Soares, Brazil 






I'm not an artist,

but I know colors that many artists don't.

The color of love, the color of longing,

the color of pain...

I'm not a composer,

but I hear sounds

that every composer doesn't hear.

The sound of separation, sadness, hope.

I am not a gardener,

but I know the fragrance of

months and days like flowers.

My life is decorated

with a fragrant garland of bright emotions.

I am not an artist,

I am not a composer,

I am not a gardener...

I am a woman,

created by God at an auspicious hour.

in my eyes, in my heart

is God the light of love

.... Terane Turan Rehimli, Azerbaijan 

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